Strengthen your portfolio thanks to the real economy

Earn +0.25% extra interest by adding at least 100 units of Synchrony funds to your savings account
The Avantage service programme is exclusively intended for natural persons resident in Switzerland
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The information on investment funds on this website does not represent an offer or a recommendation. It should not be considered as the basis for an investment or other decision. Any investment decision must be based on relevant, specific and professional advice.
The tax treatment depends on the personal situation of each investor. The investor is personally responsible for obtaining information on the applicable tax laws and regulations and for complying with them for any subscription, purchase, holding, sale, redemption or payment resulting from investment funds. Before taking any investment decision, it is recommended that all investors seek specific advice from a professional in the sector.
Members of the BCGE Group may receive, by way of partial compensation or otherwise, a one-off or recurring remuneration (e.g. issuing commissions, compensation linked to distribution activities, state commissions).
What are the advantages?
A leader in the Swiss and international markets for more than 20 years
A brand with above-average growth compared to the market
A range of funds with the best companies and issuers